
Name Change/Pronoun in Use/使用名称 Information

For information regarding the Name Change, Pronoun in Use, and 使用名称 policies, 请浏览 大学目录

  • 使用名称
  • 使用名称政策
  • 使用代词信息
  • 名称使用中的特殊字符
  • 使用姓名/毕业典礼


  • 什么是“使用中的名称”?

    A first name by which an individual wishes to be identified that is other than the individual's 法律名称. UNC provides a process for any student to include a name in use. While UNC will work toward primary use of the name in use, students should be aware that the use of the 法律名称 will continue to be necessary in some instances.

  • 这一政策的原因是什么?

    Many members of the UNC Community use a first name that differs from their 法律名称. 这可能包括那些喜欢使用:

    • 英文化的名字
    • a name to which the individual is in the process of legally changing
    • a name that better represents the individual's gender identity
  • 我的名字将在哪里出现/被使用?
    • Supplementary class rosters (please be aware that 教师 have access to both legal 以及更喜欢的名字)
    • 住房合同
    • 娱乐中心
    • 学生在线目录
    • Canvas
    • 学生行为/教务长数据库
    • 图书馆借阅系统
    • 就业服务数据库(握手)
    • 学生电邮地址

    Please be aware that there are many systems and processes and many of the "screens" that staff use in our information system only display legal first names)

    信息披露Campus departments interact with, and send reports to Federal, State, and other Government agencies that verify the identity of a student by using the student's 法律名称, in some cases Social Security Numbers, and other personal identifiable information 禁止在使用中使用name.

  • Can I use my name in use for my graduation ceremony?

    If a student chooses to use a name in-use at their graduation ceremony and in the 毕业典礼上,他们必须提交一份 个人资料更改要求表格 and select the appropriate box to override their legal first name. 此表格必须 be completed by the graduation application deadline (deadlines can be found @毕业截止日期).

    Note: A student's 法律名称 will be published on diplomas and official transcripts.

  • Did you already submit a request for 使用名称 and need to make changes?
    • If you need to make a change to name in use and you have 未被接受 毕业申请请发邮件 registrar@zhicheng001.com 要进行任何更改.
    • 如果你已经去过了 接受 for graduation and you need to change/remove a name in use, or have questions about how your name will appear in the 毕业典礼 program and announced at the ceremony, 请电子邮件 graduation@zhicheng001.com 要进行任何更改.
  • Can I specify a name in use for middle or last name?

    不,使用中的名字只包括你的名字. 如果你想改变你的中间位置 or last name, you will need to file an application with the State of Colorado. More 信息可以在@上找到 成人姓名变更

  • Can I specify my middle or last name as a name in-use?

    You cannot specify your last name as a name in use as that would cause issues with 报告和制造混乱. 

    If you decide to use your middle name as a name in use, you will need to request that your middle name be removed from your student record to prevent duplication and confusion. If you need to request the removal of your middle name, 请电子邮件 the 司法常务官办公室 有了这个请求. 电子邮件必须来自您的电子邮件帐户. 

    Changing your name in use to your current middle will impact the following areas:

    • 住房合同
    • 娱乐中心
    • 学生在线目录
    • Canvas
    • 图书馆结帐
    • 就业服务(握手)
    • 学生电邮地址
  • 我可以申请任何我想要的名字吗?

    Students may designate a name in use with which they identify and by which they prefer to be known within the parameters established by the university and outlined on this 网站和大学目录.

  • 这项政策适用于员工吗?

    The name in use policy is student focused, however an employee name in use policy 目前正在开发中. 如有任何问题,请联系人力资源部.

  • 我怎样才能得到新的UNC I.D. 有我名字的卡片?

    After submitting your name in use form to the Registrar's Office, allow 3 business days for your student record to be updated and exported to the UNC ID Card system. You may then request a new ID card at the Card Office in the University Center. If you do not want your 法律名称 to appear on your new card, you will be required to sign a form confirming that your new card will not be used for legal identification 或者银行用途

  • 办一张新卡要花多少钱?

    If you have submitted a name in use to the Registrar's Office before obtaining your first UNC ID card, and you would like your card to reflect your name in use, please let the Card Office staff know prior to taking your picture. 不收取任何费用 你的第一张卡片. There are options in how we print the card, and those will be 在您的卡片打印之前与您一起审核.

    If you submit a name in use request to the Registrar's Office after you have already obtained your first UNC ID card with your 法律名称 on it, take your 法律名称 ID card to the UNC Card Office and let the staff know you would like to have a name in 在你的卡上使用. As long as you turn in your existing UNC ID card, there will be 免费. If you do not turn in your existing ID card,  there will be a $15.00替换 费用加到你的博天堂官方学生账单上.

  • 我是否需要获得一个新的I.D. card?

    No, the decision to request a new card is entirely optional

  • 名字的使用有什么限制吗?

    UNC reserves the right to deny a request to include a name in use if the request is fraudulent, carries connotations offensive to good taste and decency, or violates the Board Policy Manual, University Regulations, and/or the Student Code of Conduct. Issues relating to such matters may be referred to the VP of Student Affairs & the Dean of Students Office for consideration and resolution. 

    UNC will investigate reports of misuse and abuse of the name in use process/policy. Depending on the circumstances, those involved in such investigations may include Human Resources, Dean of Students, Provost, University Legal Counsel and/or appropriate 执法机构.