

Your students' wellness includes more than just physical health.  在博天堂官方,我们 take a holistic approach to wellness that considers multiple dimensions of individual wellness: emotional, intellectual, physical, social, environmental, financial, spiritual, 和职业.  Each dimension is important to a students' overall wellness and finding a balance among all dimensions is the key to thriving.

Holistic wellness is an active process that focuses on bringing balance into a student's 并帮助他们获得幸福感. 和你的学生联系可以 be a helpful way to encourage them to take those active steps.  这里有一些问题 你可以让你的学生开始对话:

  • 不用像以前那样整天上学了,感觉真好.  你过得怎么样 新的大学时间表?
  • 听起来你在_____课上很吃力.  你预约了吗 与学生成功部的任何一位导师会面?
  • 你在大学的第一个周末有什么计划?
  • How's it going balancing class time and hanging out with everyone you've met?
  • 课外你对什么样的事情感兴趣?
  • 期末考试就要到了.  哪一个是你最紧张的?  你能 to take time for self-care to de-stress and relax before finals?

Knowing about and offering campus resources to your student can be a supportive way to help your student thrive at UNC, but remember, it is up to the student to take the active steps to access campus resources if they choose to do so. 下面是一些 resources on campus that students can access to address the various dimensions of 健康和福利.



鼓励学生使用 学生健康中心 when they are experiencing illness, or if they have any health-related questions 或担忧. The 学生健康中心 Medical Clinic accepts and bills most all insurance 公司. When seeking services, please bring your personal insurance card, present it at the time of your visit along with a photo ID, and pay your co-pay if you have 一个,就像你在自己医生的办公室里那样.

Get more information on Immunization Requirements and Health Insurance.


The 咨询中心 provides free and 保密 counseling services, and is a safe place for your student to talk about issues 或担忧 that are impacting them. 临床服务 provided by the 咨询中心 include individual, couples and group counseling. The Center is a doctoral and masters level training site that offers mental health consultation support and liaison partnerships with specific departments.

预防教育 & 宣传服务

预防教育 & 宣传服务 utilizes Peer Educators to provide comprehensive education about wellness issues impacting students, including alcohol and other substance use; mental health and associated stigma; sexual health; healthy relationships; gender violence; and violence prevention. 预防教育监督 健康促进处.

宣传服务 specializes in providing crisis response and advocacy to members of the campus 社区 who have been impacted by sexual assault, intimate partner 暴力和跟踪. 宣传服务处负责 性侵幸存者倡导项目, a 保密 resource for both victims/survivors of gender violence and concerned others. They also provide a 24-Hour Crisis Hotline which can be reached at 970-351-4040.


北科罗拉多大学 学生外展及支援(SOS) office fosters student development, engagement, and success by assisting students during difficult circumstances which may include medical, mental health, personal 或是家庭危机、疾病或受伤. SOS个案经理协调转诊来源; make appropriate referrals and provide follow-up to address unique needs of each student. SOS focuses on reducing the impact of an incident or behavior on the student, faculty, 工作人员和UNC社区.


The 学生生活办公室 provides programs and services that foster a sense of belonging, an inclusive campus, 以及学习和成长的机会.  学生可以通过以下方式参与校园活动 事件 sponsored by the 学生生活办公室 as well as through volunteer opportunities. 加入 俱乐部和组织 or 兄弟会和姐妹会生活 are great ways for students to meet others and find their "home" here on campus.

学生也可以参加校外的 格里利 社区.  格里利提供了很多乐趣 活动和要去的地方.


职业服务 is passionate about working with, and supporting UNC students in determining and 实现他们的职业目标. 是否在帮助学生做决定 on a major or learning ways to gain experience and employment within a chosen career or industry, 职业服务 is eager to work with students on learning more about 他们现在是谁,离开博天堂官方后又会是谁. 拜访事业永远不嫌早 服务!


The Office of 金融援助 connects you and your family to financial solutions such as Grants, Scholarships, Student Employment and loans to help you bridge the gap between what you can afford to pay for your college expenses and the cost of attending.  The 金融援助 Office also offers helpful resources and information about 勤工俭学和校园就业.  UNC提供各种 奖学金 以帮助支付教育费用.


辅导服务(TS) provides free peer-led tutoring services and academic skills sessions to UNC students 就读本科课程.

One of the greatest strengths of TS is its organization as a centralized program with 额外的卫星和夜间辅导选择. TS是由学院认证的 Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) and serves UNC students and the larger campus 社区 by promoting student academic achievement, retention, and persistence through 完成程度.


补充说明(SI) is a non-remedial support program that targets large, academically challenging, general 教育类. Open to all students enrolled in the course, SI provides assistance through regularly scheduled study sessions that begin during the second or third week 本学期的. Our SI leaders are upper-level UNC students who hold three 1-to-2 hour sessions each week to review course content, facilitate student-centered learning 活动,培养自主学习策略. 国家研究数据显示 that SI students earn higher exam and course grades and withdraw less often than non-SI 参与者. Also, national data demonstrate higher re-enrollment and graduation SI参与者的比率.