
离开 为你r Program

Before you depart it is important to prepare for your experience!

Pre-Departure Requirements

Once you receive your acceptance email, you will be instructed to complete and turn in additional materials.

It is very important to complete all the material submissions, required readings, as well as signature documents required for your program in a timely manner. 你会 be frequently reminded if items are not complete.

Below is a list of typical items that will need to be completed after being accepted 在程序中:


Though CIE doesn't provide visa advice, we can help you through the process and review 申请材料. We will provide students participating in a UNC exchange a visa information sheet upon acceptance into their program.

We do not have the capacity to stay up-to-date on country-to-country visa regulations.


Pre-Departure 取向s

All students participating in an education abroad program are required to attend a 强制性的 pre-departure orientation in which important administrative, safety, health, and cultural adjustment information 将包括在内. 学生 will also have the opportunity to meet with other UNC students who studied at their host school as well as with visiting exchange students from their international host institutions. Details about the date and time of the orientation will be included in your acceptance email.

error_outline Failure to attend will result in automatic withdrawal from your program abroad by the 国外的教育 Office. 

For more helpful information and ideas as you move through the application and pre-departures and approach your departure date, check out the Pre-Departure Checklist.


通读全文 国外的教育 Student Handbook for all the answers to your questions regarding living and studying in another country. 查找以下信息:

  • 金融援助
  • 护照
  • 签证
  • 国外银行
  • 健康 & 保险
  • 安全
  • Communication from abroad
  • 包装技巧
  • 法律要求
  • 国际旅行

转移 Credit Course Approval

All students going abroad need to work on having credits 预先批准的. 学生可以 使用 Course Planning Worksheet and should also discuss the courses with and get a signature from their Academic 顾问.

To see a list of courses at specific universities abroad that have been 预先批准的, 参观 Registrar's Office's 国际 转移view 页面. If you do not see the specific course(s) you want to take listed, speak with your Academic 顾问 and/or the appropriate department about having the course(s) 预先批准的.


Remember that not all international credit systems are equivalent to the US system 在UNC使用.

It is your responsibility to understand how your university abroad reports credits. In most cases, 15 contact hours = 1 UNC credit. 如果有疑问,请告诉我 contact the Registrar's office 出发前.


Any undergraduate course you complete with a grade equivalent to a “C-“ or higher at an institution approved through UNC’s CIE Office will transfer to UNC at a minimum as university-wide elective credit. Official evaluation occurs upon receipt of official 成绩单.

国际 Transcript Evaluation

Depending on the institution, program, or country, some 成绩单 from study abroad may be issued to UNC in a language other than English. In these instances, it is the student's responsibility to submit the official transcript to a third-party evaluation service for a course-by-course evaluation.

For more details on this, please see the current UNC 目录 entry on 国际 Transcript Evaluation.

For questions, please contact either the 国外的教育 & 外汇兑换处或 Registrar's Office (970-351-4862, transfereval@zhicheng001.com).


健康 and 安全 Information

  • 健康 and Vaccinations: We recommend that you consult the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to learn about health issues for international travel. Be sure to look for information specific to your region(s) where you will travel.
